In this post I am explaining how to Create a Simple Axis Service(.aar file) and Deploy it in WSO2 Application Server using a simple sample. And also at the end I am describing how to do the same thing with creation of a Jar Service. Lets assume "sample-home" as our parent directory and inside that we can create following folder structure. With this folder structure we can include our external libraries (jar files) inside lib folder and the "services.xml" file inside "META-INF" folder. Following is the sample services.xml definition which I used with this sample creation. < service name = "HelloService" > < Description > This is a sample service to explain simple aar service </ Description > < messageReceivers > < messageReceiver mep = "" class = "org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver" /> </ messageReceivers > < parame...
(Knowledge + Technology + Life)